Simone Zuffa, et al.
Nature Microbiology, 2024
Running a queer-and trans-inclusive faculty hiring process
J L Weissman, Callie R Chappell, Bruno Francesco Rodrigues de Oliveira, Natalya Evans, Anna C Fagre, Desiree Forsythe, Steven A Frese, Rachel Gregor, Suzanne L Ishaq, Julie Johnston, Bittu K.R., Shayle B Matsuda, Sam McCarren, Melanie Ortiz Alvarez de la Campa, Troy A Roepke, Nasa Sinnott-Armstrong, Cora S Stobie, Lauren Talluto, José Vargas-Muñiz, The Advancing Queer
EcoEvoRxiv, 2024
Building a queer- and trans-inclusive microbiology conference
Rachel Gregor, Juliet Johnston, Lisa Shu Yang Coe, Natalya Evans, Desiree Forsythe, Robert Jones, Daniel Muratore, Bruno Francesco Rodrigues de Oliveira, Rachel Szabo, Yu Wan, Jelani Williams, Callie R. Chappell, Shayle B. Matsuda, Melanie Ortiz Alvarez de la Campa, J. L. Weissman
mSystems, vol. 0, 2023, pp. e00433-23
Vitamin auxotrophies shape microbial community assembly in the ocean
Rachel Gregor, Gabriel T. Vercelli, Rachel E. Szabo, Matti Gralka, Ryan Reynolds, Evan B. Qu, Naomi M. Levine, Otto X. Cordero
bioRxiv, 2023
Annotation-free discovery of functional groups in microbial communities
Xiaoyu Shan, Akshit Goyal, Rachel Gregor, Otto X Cordero
Nature Ecology & Evolution, vol. 7, Nature Publishing Group UK London, 2023, pp. 716-724
Mammalian gut metabolomes mirror microbiome composition and host phylogeny
R. Gregor, M. Probst, Stav Eyal, A. Aksenov, Goor Sasson, Igal Horovitz, P. Dorrestein, M. Meijler, I. Mizrahi
The ISME Journal, 2022
A Bacterial Quorum Sensing Molecule Elicits a General Stress Response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
A. Delago, R. Gregor, Luba Dubinsky, R. Dandela, Adi Hendler, P. Krief, Josep Rayo, A. Aharoni, M. Meijler
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021
GNPS Dashboard: collaborative exploration of mass spectrometry data in the web browser
D. Petráš, V. Phelan, Deepa Acharya, Andrew E. Allen, Allegra T. Aron, N. Bandeira, B. Bowen, Deirdre Belle-Oudry, Simon Boecker, Dale A. Cummings, J. M. Deutsch, E. Fahy, Neha Garg, R. Gregor, J. Handelsman, Mirtha Navarro-Hoyos, A. Jarmusch, Scott A. Jarmusch, Katherine B. Louie, K. Maloney, M. Marty, M. Meijler, I. Mizrahi, Rachel L. Neve, T. Northen, C. Molina-Santiago, M. Panitchpakdi, Benjamin Pullman, Aaron W. Puri, Robin Schmid, S. Subramaniam, Monica Thukral, Felipe Vásquez-Castro, P. Dorrestein, Mingxun Wang
Nature Methods, 2021
Josep Rayo, R. Gregor, Nicholas T. Jacob, R. Dandela, Luba Dubinsky, A. Yashkin, A. Aranovich, Manikandan Thangaraj, Orna Ernst, E. Barash, S. Malitsky, B. Florea, B. P. Krom, E. Wiemer, V. Kickhoefer, L. Rome, J. Mathison, G. Kaufmann, H. Overkleeft, B. Cravatt, T. Zor, K. Janda, R. Ulevitch, V. Kravchenko, M. Meijler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021
Auto-deconvolution and molecular networking of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry data
A. Aksenov, I. Laponogov, Zheng Zhang, S. Doran, I. Belluomo, D. Veselkov, W. Bittremieux, L. Nothias, Mélissa Nothias-Esposito, K. Maloney, B. Misra, A. Melnik, Aleksandr Smirnov, Xiuxia Du, K. Jones, Kathleen Dorrestein, M. Panitchpakdi, Madeleine Ernst, J. V. D. van der Hooft, Mabel Gonzalez, C. Carazzone, A. Amézquita, C. Callewaert, James T. Morton, R. Quinn, Amina Bouslimani, A. Orio, D. Petráš, A. Smania, Sneha P. Couvillion, Meagan C. Burnet, C. Nicora, Erika M. Zink, T. Metz, V. Artaev, E. Humston-Fulmer, R. Gregor, M. Meijler, I. Mizrahi, Stav Eyal, Brooke Anderson, R. Dutton, R. Lugan, P. L. Boulch, Y. Guitton, S. Prévost, A. Poirier, G. Dervilly, B. Le Bizec, A. Fait, Noga Sikron Persi, Chao Song, Kelem Gashu, R. Coras, M. Guma, J. Manasson, J. Scher, D. Barupal, S. Alseekh, A. Fernie, R. Mirnezami, V. Vasiliou, Robin Schmid, R. Borisov, L. Kulikova, R. Knight, Mingxun Wang, G. Hanna, P. Dorrestein, K. Veselkov
Nature Biotechnology, 2020
Chemical strategies to unravel bacterial-eukaryotic signaling.
R. Gregor, S. David, M. Meijler
Chemical Society Reviews, 2018
Natural products as mediators of disease.
Neha Garg, Tal Luzzatto-Knaan, A. Melnik, A. Caraballo-Rodríguez, D. Floros, D. Petráš, R. Gregor, P. Dorrestein, V. Phelan
Natural product reports (Print), 2017
R. Dandela, R. Mashiach, Raju Adepu, R. Gregor, M. Athamna, Efrat Zecharia, Orna Ernst, T. Zor, M. Meijler
Chemical Communications, 2017
Fine‐Tuning Covalent Inhibition of Bacterial Quorum Sensing
Neri Amara, R. Gregor, Josep Rayo, R. Dandela, Erik Daniel, Nina Liubin, H. Willems, A. Ben-Zvi, B. P. Krom, M. Meijler
ChemBioChem, 2016